final portfolio ma 409
This semester I explored color, color theory, and color grading. As the semester progressed I started experimenting with After Effects and began learning motion graphics.
I began the semester by observing color use in movies and T.V shows. I also started experimenting with the lumetri panel in Premiere. The videos I used to color grade were from a Lynda tutorial. I started off a little unsure about what my goals were going to be for each week. It was difficult to try and think of what to do. In the beginning of the semester, I didn't really push myself, or challenge myself as much as I could've. Once I got feedback from the Instructor and peers I was able to expand on my goals for this semester.
Here are stills from the footage I color graded on Premiere
Here are two infographics I worked on where I experimented with the color.
As the semester progressed I began experimenting with color palettes. I grabbed photos from unsplash and used the EyeDrop tool in Illustrator to grab certain colors to create the palette.
For these I created the pattern on illustrator and used the color palettes I made from the photos.
I began experimenting with After Effects when I created this .gif It was challenging but I was able to develop a nice work flow in After Effects. The hardest part was trying to figure out how I was going to present the wording.
This was an infographic I made at work for a social media post. I wanted to use this to create another animated gif. When I created this I didn't have an actual color palette so I went ahead and made one.
I learned how to create a color palette like this from a tutorial on Skillshare. I really like this website. I've learned so much from it and I've only had an account for a few months now. I also plan on creating my own How-To videos to post on Skillshare
I really enjoyed doing this! I plan on using this technique when planing out future graphics. It's a great way to see how the colors will work together. It's also just really fun.
This was another experiment with After Effects. This was one of the unused logos I created for a client a few months back. I decided to animate it. This could be used for something like a video opener.
This is another infographic I made for work. I plan on animating this one as well. I want to try and animate the desk scene and maybe have the information be displayed on the computer screen.
This semester has been really eye opening. I learned that my creative process has to involve challenging myself even if I might fail. Doing things just to try them out and then learning from my mistakes are how I will learn and gain more knowledge. I plan on learning and experimenting through the rest of my college career and beyond. I really want to gain more skills in motion graphics. I think that'll benefit me in my graphic design career. I also want to explore cinematography. The color grading I was experimenting with in the beginning made me want to dive deeper into it and experiment with other things such as lighting.